- logarithmic tables
- таблицы логарифмов
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
Logarithmic integral function — In mathematics, the logarithmic integral function or integral logarithm li(x) is a special function. It occurs in problems of physics and has number theoretic significance, occurring in the prime number theorem as an estimate of the number of… … Wikipedia
Rudolphine Tables — ▪ astronomy Latin Tabulae Rudolphinae, planetary tables and star catalog published in 1627 by Johannes Kepler (Kepler, Johannes), based principally on the observations of Tycho Brahe. The best of the pretelescopic catalogs, it is… … Universalium
Generating trigonometric tables — In mathematics, tables of trigonometric functions are useful in a number of areas. Before the existence of pocket calculators, trigonometric tables were essential for navigation, science and engineering. The calculation of mathematical tables was … Wikipedia
log tables — plural noun A book of tables setting out logarithmic values • • • Main Entry: ↑log … Useful english dictionary
List of integrals of logarithmic functions — The following is a list of integrals (antiderivative functions) of logarithmic functions. For a complete list of integral functions, see list of integrals. Note: x gt;0 is assumed throughout this article.: intln cx;dx = xln cx x: intln (ax +… … Wikipedia
Mathematical table — Before calculators were cheap and plentiful, people would use mathematical tables lists of numbers showing the results of calculation with varying arguments to simplify and drastically speed up computation. Tables of logarithms and trigonometric… … Wikipedia
History of computing hardware — Computing hardware is a platform for information processing (block diagram) The history of computing hardware is the record of the ongoing effort to make computer hardware faster, cheaper, and capable of storing more data. Computing hardware… … Wikipedia
trigonometry — trigonometric /trig euh neuh me trik/, trigonometrical, adj. trigonometrically, adv. /trig euh nom i tree/, n. the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of plane or spherical triangles, and the… … Universalium
table — n. piece of furniture 1) to lay (esp. BE), set (esp. AE) a table 2) to clear a table 3) a card; coffee; dining room; dressing; drop leaf; end; folding; kitchen; night; operating; ping pong; pool; tray; writing table 4) (AE) a training table (for… … Combinatory dictionary
Difference engine — For the novel by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, see The Difference Engine. The London Science Museum s difference engine, built from Babbage s design. The design has the same precision on all columns, but when calculating converging… … Wikipedia
Mechanical calculator — An old Russian mechanical calculator. A mechanical calculator is a device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic. Mechanical calculators are comparable in size to small desktop computers and have been rendered obsolete by the advent… … Wikipedia